At this level, MuteMe won't be able to see when you change your mute status from the conferencing app. Level 2: Mute/Unmute Button Sync The system’s default microphone and the mute/unmute button in the conferencing app stays in sync with MuteMe. Use this setting when you want to mute but don't want others to know you are muted. At this level, the mute/unmute button in the conferencing app won't change when your MuteMe status changes.

Level 1: Microphone Sync Our tech allows the system's default microphone to stay in sync with MuteMe.

Each level represents a different amount of Sync. Sync Levels explain how we work with video conference applications like Zoom or Teams. In order to better communicate how MuteMe will work with the various video conferencing applications that you use, we came up with Sync Levels. go to Security & Privacy < Automation < MuteMe-Client < make sure everything under MuteMe-Client is checked go to Security & Privacy < Accessibility < Be sure MuteMe is selected go to Keyboard Shortcuts < select box to Enable Global Shortcut for 'Always Show Meeting Controls' macOS Security & Privacy Settings: Zoom Settings for Windows/Linux: - go to Settings < General < select 'Always show meeting controls' - go to Keyboard Shortcuts < select 'Restore Default' on bottom right - go to Keyboard Shortcuts < select box to Enable Global Shortcut for 'Change Focus to Zoom Meeting Controls' - go to Keyboard Shortcuts < select box to Enable Global Shortcut for 'Mute/Unmute My Audio' Zoom Settings for macOS: - go to Settings < General < select 'Always show meeting controls' - go to Keyboard Shortcuts < select 'Restore Default' on bottom right - go to Keyboard Shortcuts < select box to Enable Global Shortcut for 'Mute/Unmute My Audio' Zoom Default Microphone: Ensure the correct default microphone is selected. Right click on Zoom icon in icon tray < switch languages < English.

Language Settings: Zoom works best in English (multi-language support coming soon). In Zoom, if MuteMe only controls the mute/unmute status while the whole button bar at the bottom in zoom is showing, then your microphone/settings may need adjusting.